Growing tensions between the United States and China are putting Europe in a geopolitical checkmate. Should Poland and Europe really bet on the US? Where can Warsaw look for allies and should we strive to acquire nuclear capabilities? Jacek Bartosiak and the author of the program on international politics, Marcin Kuśmierczyk, discussed these and other questions about Poland's and Europe's place in the conflict between great powers. Receive a free package of recordings from XTB Investing Masterclass and don't let the future surprise you 👉 https://edukacja.xtb.com/investingmas... 0:00 Introduction to the conversation 0:58 What geopolitical trends should investors pay attention to? 13:39 What would a major trade agreement between Europe and China involve? 21:10 Should Poland bet on the US? 39:02 Does Europe have the strength to modernize? 45:49 France or the US? Where should Warsaw look for allies? 1:04:26 Does the US really have such an advantage over China? 1:09:42 Russia or Ukraine? In whose favor is time playing? 1:30:00 Should Poland strive to acquire nuclear capabilities? #europe #china #usa Website: https://www.xtb.com/pl Facebook: / xtbpl Instagram: / xtb_polska X: / xtbpl This commercial publication is for informational and educational purposes. It is not an investment recommendation or information recommending or suggesting an investment strategy. In the material, we do not suggest any investment strategy and do not provide investment advice. The material does not take into account the individual financial situation, needs and investment objectives of the client. It is also not an offer to sell or subscribe. It is not an invitation to purchase, advertising or promotion of any financial instruments. We have prepared this commercial publication carefully and objectively. We present the facts known to the authors at the time of creation of the document. We do not include any evaluative elements in it. Information and research based on historical data or results and forecasts are not a certain indicator of the future. We are not responsible for your actions or omissions, especially if you decide to buy or sell financial instruments based on the information in this marketing publication. We are also not responsible for any damages that may result from the direct or indirect use of this information. Investing is risky. Invest responsibly.