Get your ticket for our next Capital Day here: https://kapitaltag.de/ ℹ️ To the video In this gripping discussion, Volker Heilmeyer and Prof. Dr. Max Otte, two financial experts, come together to ruthlessly analyze the current developments in the economic and financial world. From the future of the euro to the real causes of inflation to China's role as a new world power - the two experts provide deep insights into the interrelationships of the global financial markets. ℹ️ Content 00:00 - Introduction and presentation of the participants 00:29 - The euro - a failed project? 08:13 - The causes of inflation 10:48 - Systematic expropriation of citizens? 17:29 - USA vs. China as an economic power 19:09 - Hypothetical measures as Minister of Economics ℹ️ Further links 🗓️ Take part in our monthly live webinar to ask our fund professionals your questions directly: https://max-otte-fonds.de/live-webina... 📻 The best conversations from our experts are also available as a podcast to listen to. You can find our channel here: https://der-privatinvestor-podcast.po... 📞 The Max Otte Funds offer you long-term, value-oriented investments from a single source. Find out more now in a personal conversation: https://max-otte-fonds.de/lp-kontakta... 📕 Order your copy of the new book by Prof. Dr. here. Max Otte and secure attractive bonus material: https://endlich-mit-aktien-geld-verdi...?utm_source=pi-tv&utm_medium=video&utm_campaign=pi-tv ℹ️ Follow our other social media channels: Instagram: / max_otte_fonds LinkedIn: / pi-kapitalanlage-gmbh Twitter/X: / dprivatinvestor Facebook: / prof.dr.max.otte Telegram: https://t.me/maxotteoffiziell Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7kOeELz... TikTok: / max_otte_fonds