#HonoredeBalzac #EugenieGrandet #Balzac #Grandet #TeatruRadiofonic #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani #MirceaAlbulescu Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you cannot find on youtube with the great Romanian actors on / theater Mr. Grandet enjoys a fame in Saumur whose causes and effects will not be fully understood by those who they did not live in one way or another in the province. Under the Consulate, grandfather Grandet became mayor, a good householder, and even more healthy the produce of the vineyards; under the Empire, he became Mr. Grandet. Napoleon did not love the republicans: as such, he replaced Mr. Grandet, who passed off as a citizen who had worn the red cap, with a large landowner, a man with a particle, a future baron of the Empire. This event took place in 1806. Mr. Grandet was then fifty-seven years old, and his wife, about thirty-six. The only girl, the fruit of their legitimate love, was ten years old. Cast: George Constantin, Margareta Pogonat, Irina Mazanitis, Gina Petrini, Ion Pavlescu, Mircea Albulescu, Constantin Dinulescu, Ruxandra Sireteanu, Ion Marinescu, Mihai Dobre, Florian Pittiş