Illustrious descendant of an illustrious family – the unique graces of Pascal Bentoiu and Annie Bentoiu are also hers – Ioana Bentoiu is a lyric artist, a professor of singing and opera at the Ribaupierre Institute in Lausanne and a bilingual writer, living between Switzerland and Romania since 1981, in the most perfect European way one can find. And naturally more than that. And she lived for many years in this neighborhood where only through the incomparable assiduity of Pascal Bentoiu Enescu himself would begin to become what he is: Enescu, our Europe, music from everywhere of the last half millennium and other forms of fulfillment that generally escape current sight and hearing will be the guidelines of the dialogue we propose. *** *** *** The meetings have as mentor and moderator Eugen Ciurtin, historian of religions. The meetings take place at Londohome, a café located on General David Praporgescu Street, formerly Crinului Street in the former Coloarea de Galben neighborhood. The aim of the meetings is to meet "without a tie" with people from as many fields as possible and to talk as much as possible, not just about the activities that make them famous. Technical team: Camera: Bianca Popescu Sound: Vlad Cantoreanu