Every Thursday at 8:30 pm (local time) Eucharistic Adoration in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. In the very place where the “Word became flesh”, a moment of deep prayer with songs, reading and meditation on the Word of God. Other celebrations in Nazareth: Torchlight Procession, every Saturday at 8:30 pm (local time): • Torchlight Procession Basilica of the Annunciation... Angelus Prayer, every Saturday at 12:00 pm (local time): • Angelus Basilica of the Annunciation... Rosary of St. Joseph, every Tuesday at 8:30 pm (local time): • Rosary of St. Joseph Basilica of... Angelus of St. Joseph, every Wednesday at 12:00 pm (local time): • Angelus of St. Joseph Basilica of... === The Christian Media Center spreads the Good News of Jesus by making known to the world the spirituality of the holy places and the life of the Christians who live there. Donate: https://www.cmc-terrasanta.com/it/pag... CMC Website: https://cmc-terrasanta.org CMC Facebook: / terrasantacmc CMC Instagram: / terrasantacmc CMC Twitter: / terrasantacmc