To what extent can (and should) we meddle with human DNA? Is it right to alter an embryo's genes to prevent a child from being born with a certain disease? What if it's to make their hair straighter or their eyes bluer? What are the ethical limits of genetic engineering applied to humans? Mayana Zatz is a geneticist; a full professor at the Institute of Biosciences and coordinator of the Human Genome and Stem Cell Research Center at USP, which in addition to scientific research offers genetic testing and counseling to families. Fernando Reinach is a biologist, entrepreneur and science communicator; he was a full professor at the Institutes of Chemistry and Biomedical Sciences at USP, acting as one of the pioneers of genomics and biotechnology in Brazil. Held on 04/30/19, at the MASP Auditorium in São Paulo/SP Debate moderated by journalist Herton Escobar Organization: USP's Office of the Vice-Rector for Research Support: FUSP