Do you know what essential oils are? They are oils made from plants (flowers, leaves, roots, stems). These oils replace several pharmaceutical drugs. There are 20 thousand scientific studies showing the efficiency of several oils in health. Did you like the topic???? Do you know how to use oil to improve your health??? Playlist with more videos • Essential for your Health with Sandra R... https://www.elo7.com.br/armazemfrutod... https://www.facebook.com/frutodaterra... and now we have the website too; https://www.armazemfrutodaterra.com.br/ Visit and like our website and pages Facebook / canalvariedadespef Instagram https://www.instagram.com/plantaremca... Important, subscribe to the channel and like the video to help our work, by clicking on the bell you will receive all the videos when they are published. On the Plantar e Cultivar em Casa channel, in addition to providing healthier habits by avoiding the use of common drugs, you save time with the convenience of having everything at your fingertips, while also creating a green space at home, working your mind through involvement with nature. If the reasons described above are still not enough to start planning your vegetable garden, think about the fact that you can still save money spent at the pharmacy! And yes, it is possible to grow your own medicines in a simple and easy way, even in small spaces, bringing healthier and more natural habits to your daily life. In this article, I will summarize the importance and ease of growing your own medicinal herbs. In addition, I will make my e-book available for free, in which I teach simple and easy cultivation practices for 6 foods that can be grown in your organic garden, in order to make it more productive and sustainable. These tips can also be very valuable for starting your medicinal garden. Medicinal gardens have always been a tradition, both in Brazilian gardens and around the world. A medicinal garden consists of a set of plants and herbs that provide health benefits. Each person can create their own garden according to the plants they need, using them in different ways and different species. Some medicinal plants have scientifically proven efficacy in combating numerous diseases and also in controlling pain, and can be applied in different ways, from syrups, teas, juices, condiments, oils, powders to even ointments. Therefore, it is enough to know which use the species is most suitable for and how to apply it to get the best out of each species. Medicinal gardens are a true tool for those seeking a healthier, toxin-free life. In addition to exponentially reducing the need for prescription drugs, a medicinal garden guarantees the convenience of having plants on hand whenever needed. Among the main uses of medicinal herbs are the control of stomach pain, insomnia, flu and colds, intestinal control and treatment of depression. Because they are natural and organic products, they do not harm the body and act quickly. Rue and lemongrass are great examples of phytotherapeutic action on the body, relieving pain and reducing stress. Choose the right plants to set up a medicinal garden Anyone can have a medicinal garden in their home, regardless of the location, and there are even medicinal gardens in apartments. The plants can be organized in pots, planters or small flowerbeds, depending on the quantity of medicinal herbs desired and the space available in your home. The main medicinal plants are species that are also present in gastronomy, such as rosemary, basil, mint and sage, thus bringing medicinal properties to your kitchen. It is also possible to plant species such as wormwood, lemongrass, rue and lemon balm, which, despite being uncommon, have important medicinal properties. Therefore, it is up to the grower to choose which herbs he or she likes the most. Setting up a medicinal garden is a fun and self-discovery task, as it requires each person to plant herbs that will be useful in everyday life, whether for their medicinal appeal or in the kitchen. It is recommended to plant two or more types of plants in the same container, so that they grow in sync and do not get sick as easily. The plants should be located in a well-lit space and the soil should be fertile. It is also possible to combine repellent plants such as marigolds to prevent pest or disease infestation. If necessary, it is possible to readjust the soil or provide nutrition through the use of organic fertilizers.