The false prophets. 8. If they say to you: “The Christ is here”, do not go; on the contrary, be on your guard, because there will be many false prophets. Don't you see that the leaves of the fig tree begin to turn white; you do not see its multiple buds awaiting the time of flowering; and did not Christ say unto you, A tree is known by its fruit? Therefore, if the fruits are bitter, you already know how bad the tree is; but if they are sweet and wholesome, you will say: “Nothing pure can come from an evil source.” This is how, my brothers, you must judge; These are the works you must examine. If those who say they are invested with divine power reveal signs of a mission of a high nature, that is, if they possess to the highest degree the Christian and eternal virtues: charity, love, indulgence, kindness that reconciles hearts; if, in support of the words, they present the acts, you will then be able to say: These are indeed sent from God. However, be wary of mellifluous words, wary of the scribes and Pharisees who pray in public squares, dressed in long tunics. Be wary of those who claim to have a monopoly on the truth! No, no, Christ is not among these, because those he sends to propagate his holy doctrine and regenerate his people will, above all, following his example, be gentle and humble of heart; Those who, with the examples and advice they lavish, can save humanity, which is running towards perdition and traveling along tortuous paths, will be essentially modest and humble. From everything that reveals an atom of pride, flee, as from contagious leprosy, which corrupts everything it touches. Remember that each creature bears on its forehead, but mainly in its actions, the stamp of its greatness or its inferiority. Go, therefore, my beloved children, walk without hesitations, without hidden thoughts, on the blessed route you have taken. Go, always go, without fear; Carefully remove everything that could hinder your journey towards your eternal goal. Travelers, you will only be in the darkness and pain of trial for only a short time, if you open your heart to this gentle doctrine that reveals the eternal laws to you and satisfies all the aspirations of your soul regarding the unknown. You can now embody those light sylphs that you see passing by in your dreams and that, ephemeral, only enchanted your spirit, without saying anything to your heart. Now, my beloved ones, death has disappeared, giving way to the radiant angel you know, the angel of new encounter and reunion! Now, you who have well carried out the task that the Creator entrusts to his creatures, you no longer have to fear from his justice, for he is a father and always forgives his wayward children who cry out for mercy. Continue, therefore, advance unceasingly. Let your motto be that of progress, of continuous progress in all things, until, finally, you reach the happy end of the journey, where all those who have preceded you await you. Luis. Bordeaux, 1861