Watch now the release 'ESCAPED FROM THE CLUTCHES OF AN ABUSER MANIPULATED MINDS Best movies and series'. In this intriguing series, Nadia is trapped in an abusive marriage with Vitya, who controls her emotionally and financially, while she blames herself for her own unhappiness. Ignoring the warnings of her mother, Tania, Nadia remains hostage, believing that love can change her husband. Diana, her childhood friend and wife of Sergei — in love with Nadia —, envies her supposed perfect life and spreads lies that intensify Vitya's abuse. Amidst manipulation and secrets, Nadia struggles to break with the past and, finally, seek her freedom. #toxicrelationship #narcissist #relationship #abusive #couple #romancefilm #drama #series #movies #love #Romantic #Melodramas #abusiverelationship #soap opera