The story revolves around four friends: Dmitry Voronkov, his brother Artyom, Pavel, and Matvey, who team up to get a bank loan to support the development of an innovative computer program created by Dmitry. The team aspires to sell their invention for a large sum, while Dmitry dreams of marrying his beloved Varya, who is waiting for him with their child. But things take a tragic turn when Artyom Voronkov is killed, and Dmitry is accused of the murder, which leads to his being sent to prison. Inside his cell, he faces pressure from the prisoners who demand that he hand over the flash drive containing his program, threatening his life and the lives of his family. Dmitry realizes that escape is the only way to save himself and Varya. An exciting adventure begins when he is given a chance to escape, while police officer Alla Kirilenko and other competitors are following him, seeking to steal his invention. Join us in this exciting story that combines excitement and the desire for justice, as Dmitry seeks to escape from his tragic situation and regain his dream. #Romantic_Series #Dubbed_Series #Drama Welcome to the European Romantic Drama Channel! Here, we offer you a distinguished collection of the most wonderful European romantic series, where you can enjoy exciting viewing experiences, all European and Russian, dubbed into Arabic. Immerse yourself in worlds of love, passion and adventure, and get to know exciting characters and exciting events from Eastern Europe and the Soviet countries. Subscribe to the channel now and enjoy unforgettable moments of European romantic drama, and savor the pleasure of watching with each new episode. Join us and let us take you on a magical journey full of feelings and romance!