ESATs are now establishments that allow you to work but also to improve your skills, gain autonomy, and sometimes access the ordinary environment. The ESAT and the SAPHAD of the CDTPI explain everything to us. For more information in Haute-Vienne and to access the application form: https://www.haute-vienne.fr/nos-actio... To access my MDPH application online: https://mdphenligne.cnsa.fr/mdph/87 To improve the quality of service of your MDPH, we invite you to answer the satisfaction questionnaire on the site: http://mamdph-monavis.fr/ You can consult the directory of ESATs (Etablissements et Service d'Aide par le Travail) on https://trajectoire.sante-ra.fr/Traje... All the national news officially and up to date on https://www.monparcourshandicap.gouv.fr/