Yandex Zen https://zen.yandex.ru/profile/editor/... Telegram channel https://t.me/opelgarage RuTube https://rutube.ru/channel/24105012/ http://alii.pub/69xahv - one-way valve of the oil system, the one behind the generator http://alii.pub/69xaiu - check valve on the intake manifold http://alii.pub/69xajm - valves in the oil filter glass Dimexide is evil. Remember this before pouring it into the engine. I have not yet met a single car owner who would not face a problem after flushing the engine with dimexide, unless of course he is the owner of a VAZ-2106. Modern engines have a very complex lubrication system, with phase regulators, heat exchangers, and many regulators and valves, all this gets clogged and the lubrication system stops normally providing oil to the rubbing mechanisms. But the master who will overhaul your engine will be pleased to work with clean parts. Repair questions 89265898346 WatsApp Alexey