For selection and purchase of spare parts Telegram https://t.me/viktorcoral Scenic 3 began to warm up for a long time during diagnostics showed error DF997 (P1786) p02cf immersion heater. In most cases, the problem is with the candles of the immersion heater (antifreeze heating) and is solved by replacing them. ISKRA 11721113 candles for 13.5V go under the original In Megan 3 Scenic 3 they are on the left side in the bumper, you need to remove the front left wheel and part of the fender liner. In order not to top up antifreeze, use ties, described in the article https://www.drive2.ru/l/5474902712527... • Error P0380 or DF025 Diagnostics and ... Error P0380 or DF025 Diagnostics and replacement of glow plugs • Replacing antifreeze Megan 3 Scenic 3 Flu... Replacing antifreeze Megan 3 Scenic 3 Renault