Hypochondriac Shorty must be cured of his serious illness before he can sell the restaurant to a high-class restaurateur. A plan is needed, and Kuno steps in. Shorty has had another visit to the doctor. This should not worry anyone in Büttenwarder, because the village pub landlord is known as a hypochondriac. He recently recovered surprisingly from what he thought was a hair root flu. The Büttenwarder's concern This time, however, he seems to be taking his illness seriously. How else can it be explained that he is holding sales talks with the high-class restaurateur Konrad Knöppen? Despite all the concern for Shorty, who is giving birth to a terminally ill child, Brakelmann and Co. must of course also think of themselves in this situation. Where, for heaven's sake, are they supposed to enjoy Lütt un Lütt in intimate company in the future? No: The village pub must not die, and for that reason alone, Shorty must recover as quickly as possible. Healing without compassion But how do you cure a hypochondriac? The friends decide to spoil Shorty's fun being sick by refusing to show him any sympathy. Shorty has a tough time ahead of him. But Kuno also gets involved. With his warmth and care, however, he threatens to torpedo the others' plan. Episode 38 / 2011 / buettenw. . https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de