The four bells of the Catholic parish church of St. Sebald in the Sebaldussiedlung in the south of Erlangen are ringing. After the war, new living space had to be created in the area of the Sebalder Reichswald to accommodate displaced persons and Siemens workers. In this new district, later called the Sebaldussiedlung, two churches were built in the 1960s. In addition to the Protestant St. Thomas Church, the Catholics got their own place of worship in 1967 with the Sebaldus Church. The pyramid-shaped bell tower, which rises centrally above the chancel, remained empty for over 20 years. It was not until 1992 that the four bells, which were supplied by the Passau foundry Perner, could be consecrated and St. Sebald was complete. -- e'-gis'-h'-cis'' Bell 1 St. Mary Tone: e' Weight: 1052 kg Diameter: 124.1 cm Foundry: Rudolf Perner, Passau Year cast: 1992 Inscription: HOLY MARY Bell 2 St. Sebald Tone: gis' Weight: 607 kg Diameter: 102.7 cm Foundry: Rudolf Perner, Passau Year cast: 1992 Inscription: HOLY SEBALD Bell 3 St. Elisabeth Tone: h' Weight: 326 kg Diameter: 85 cm Foundry: Rudolf Perner, Passau Year cast: 1992 Inscription: HOLY ELISABETH Bell 4 Death bell Tone: cis'' Weight: 236 kg Diameter: 76 cm Foundry: Rudolf Perner, Passau Year cast: 1992 Inscription: RESURRECTION --------------- Many thanks to the nice caretaker for making this recording possible.