The story of the series "Blood Flowers" revolves around the Karabi family and the Demir family, who have been separated by a blood feud for many years, due to the murder of the father of the Karabi family by the father of the Demir family. Baran is the eldest son of the Karabi family, a kind-hearted and strong-willed young man, and seeks to end the blood feud between his family and the Demir family. Dilan is the only daughter of the Demir family, a beautiful and brave girl, and dreams of a happy life away from blood feud. One day, Baran and Dilan meet by chance, and they fall in love with each other. Baran decides to marry Dilan to end the blood feud, and Dilan agrees to marry him to save the life of her younger brother, who was kidnapped by the Karabi family. Baran and Dilan get married, but their marriage is not without problems and difficulties, as they are threatened by their families. In the end, Baran and Dilan manage to overcome the difficulties, and achieve their dream of ending the blood feud between their families. The most prominent characters in the series Blood Flowers: • Baran: The eldest son of the Karabi family, a kind-hearted and strong-willed young man. • Dilan: The only daughter of the Demir family, a beautiful and brave girl. • Kibre: Baran's mother, a cruel woman, who wants revenge on the Demir family. • Kerem: Dilan's father, a peaceful man, who wants to end the blood feud between the two families. The series Blood Flowers was first shown in 2022, and stars Turkish actors: • Barish Baktas as Baran • Yamur Yuksel as Dilan • Selin Yilmaz as Kibre • Oktay Kaynarca as Kerem In order to become a member of the channel 👈 / @kancicekleriarabic To subscribe to the channel, click on this link 👈 / @kancicekleriarabic All episodes Blood Flowers series 👈 • All episodes Blood Flowers series promotional announcement for the episodes Blood Flowers Series 👈 • Promo Announcement for the Episodes Blood Flowers Series Blood Flowers Series Best Clips 👈 • Blood Flowers Series Best Clips #Turkey_in_Arabic #Hashtags #Blood_Flowers #Episode353