To have certainty, you must have doubts #Growtalks 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:26 Who are you? 00:02:25 One word that describes this period in your life 00:02:35 What is your story? 00:09:32 What happened around you from the peak of pessimism to love of life and optimism 00:11:45 The time when you were most difficult for yourself 00:12:30 Have you ever been angry with God? 00:15:56 Have you reached an answer as to why God did this to you? 00:17:35 The time when you felt your personality was maturing and growing the most 00:19:51 What is the most controlling feeling you have these days? 00:22:26 What made you realize that you could be a good life coach? 00:24:49 How do you maintain your energy from the problems you hear about? Who solves your problems? 00:27:26 Does a life coach need a life coach to help him? 00:27:53 Studying random acts of kindness. 00:34:00 How can I deal with despair and treat it? 00:37:56 Is it important for a person to realize that he could die at any moment? 00:40:07 What is the latest discovery you realized? 00:42:48 How can I hear the real voice inside me and differentiate between it and the misleading voices? 00:45:49 What does meditation mean? 00:50:02 What do you say to people who are not happy in their lives? 00:53:16 What is the most important skill a person needs to learn? 00:55:25 Your divorce experience. 01:01:19 How can we choose the right life partner? 01:04:07 Definition of a smart woman and a smart man in a relationship. 01:08:40 Happy From yourself and your life 01:09:30 What would you say to yourself 20 years ago? 01:10:12 A superpower you wish you had 01:10:45 A book that changed your life 01:12:03 A book you would recommend that would help us get to know ourselves better 01:13:13 A proverb or saying that made a difference to you in your life 01:14:34 Something that occupies your mind and you still can't find an answer to it 01:15:39 If you had everything available in your life, what would you like to do 01:16:42 Advice for anyone who wants to be a life coach 01:19:42 Advice for young people in two minutes 01:21:31 Ask the next guest a question 01:22:45 The story of the fisherman and the businessman Madinet Masr: Facebook - / madinetmasrforhousinganddevelopment Instagram - / madinetmasr Linkedin - / madinetmasr TikTok - @madinetmasr GrowTalks: Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7o0MSC2... Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0... Apple Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/eg/podcast... Shady Sherif: Facebook - /shady.sherif.927 Instagram - /shady_sherif Linkedin - /shady-sherif-0a704065 Twitter - /core_leonee Nada Chatila: Facebook - /lifecoachnadachatila Instagram - /chatilanada YouTube - /@nadachatila9150 TikTok - /ucrbrgigpwhx7en1mmkttk4q