In this episode I talk to Dr. Julia Steinhardt about neuroathletics. She has a doctorate in neuroscience and has researched and worked for a long time at the University of Lübeck. She is a coach for neuroathletics and neuro-based riding therapy. We talk about neuroathletics, the 4 different pillars of it and illustrate them using examples. We also talk about the possibilities of applying neuroathletics and how it can be implemented in volleyball or in the rehabilitation of long-COVID. I would be delighted if you would rate it on Google Podcast, Apple Music, Spotify or give it a thumbs up on YouTube. Feel free to send this podcast to friends. Philipp Julia's homepage: https://www.js-neuroathletik.de Neuro-Rider: https://www.neuro-rider.com Better Riding with Brain Podcast: https://www.neuro-rider.com/podcasts/... Long-Covid Neuro-Group Training: https://www.covid-neuro-training.com