Today, we explore the many facets of artificial intelligence in professional training. In particular, we see how AI, as a super assistant, can revolutionize the way we design and deliver training. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. At Callimedia, we strongly believe in continuous innovation and the integration of advanced technologies to enrich the learning experience. It is with this in mind that we have integrated AI features into our LMS platform Upility (https://www.callimedia.fr/nos-solutio.... This integration not only allows us to personalize learning for each user, but also to offer powerful tools for trainers and administrators. With Upility, we use AI to lighten the administrator's workload and allow them to better monitor the progress of their learners. In addition, content creation becomes more intuitive and efficient, allowing trainers to focus on what they do best: teach and inspire. In short, AI is not a substitute for humans, but a partner that amplifies our capabilities. At Callimedia, we are dedicated to exploring these new frontiers, always with the aim of improving and innovating in the field of professional training. Hosted by Ausha. Visit ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite for more information.