They are Lina Pérez, director of E-motion Content, and María Cecilia Cardona, responsible for a tremendous project called El Pauer de Comfama. How should one move in that space? (for example, if it's your first time), what should you look for? How do you approach other people to present yourself and your project? How do you find allies who resonate with what you are creating so that it reaches new screens, investors, new territories? We talked about all this and more with them. A talk in which we took the opportunity to review what Lina and María Cecilia are doing with creative companies from different sectors, such as sound, VFX, animation, writing for series and films, audiovisual production, etc., to accompany them precisely on a market route, so that they lead their companies to improve their relationships. Because this thing about cinema and audiovisual is not only about ideas, stories, it is about how you learn to connect. If that interests you, you have come to the right place. This episode was recorded in the main tent of the Bogotá Audiovisual Market, better known as BAM. The most important market held in Colombia to energize, strengthen, and activate the audiovisual, film, and animation industry, and of course its creators. E-motion https://emotion.com.co/ / emotioncontent El Pauer https://www.elpauer.co/ / elpauer.co More episodes of Gente que hace cine at: https://gentequehacecine.com/ Support us on Patreon / gentequehacecine Write to us and let's work together: [email protected]