Follow Il Paese Dei Baroqui: https://www.instagram.com/ilpaesedeib... Hosts: Lollo Baroque: https://www.instagram.com/lollobaroqu... Nicole Fornaro: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleforna... Il Paese Dei Baroqui is a podcast that opens the doors to the digital world, looking for talents who have built a career starting from a Social Platform, but who are the real people behind the characters? Let's find out together in the episodes of this Podcast. In this episode: Valerio Mazzei, born in 2000. Exploring the roots of his career, with an introspective look at his path to fame. From the secrets behind his formats, to his love for music and family. Beyond Social, People. Directed by: Francesco Giuggioli Special Thanks: BANCA DELLO SPETTACOLO: https://www.instagram.com/bancadellos... 3KDM: https://www.instagram.com/3kdm.it?igs... Alessandro Fornaro Mathias Tatangelo Mattia Farina Attilio Basile Niccoló Malavolta Sara Scampone Martina Zuffanelli MUA: Sara De Giorgi