YOU ASKED FOR IT AND IT'S TIME! Rio de Janeiro's most beloved delegates talked about everything but work here on Tá Benito. Rafael Barcia, Marcelo Carregosa and Carlos Augusto are on the same page with our Isabele Benito on SBT Rio and didn't hide anything in this chat between friends. Did they talk about the dispute with the Phenomenon and the Olympic controversy? The delegates from SBT Rio, my friends! Subscribe to the channel and activate the bell for more content????✨ ----------------------------- ✅ Instagram: / tabenitopodcast ✅ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tabenitopodca... ✅ Facebook: / ibproducoescontato Presenter: Isabele Benito - @isabelebenito Guest: Carlos Augusto - @delegadocarlosaugusto Marcelo Carregosa - @delegadomarcelocarregosa Rafael Barcia - delegadorafaelbarcia Producer: @ibproducoes