Follow Il Paese Dei Baroqui: https://www.instagram.com/ilpaesedeib... #Ad #Adv OUR PARTNERS: Scuola Zoo: https://www.instagram.com/scuolazoo?i... Botox Bar: https://www.instagram.com/botoxbar.it... Pt Room: https://www.instagram.com/ptroom_trai... Hosts: Lollo Baroque: https://www.instagram.com/lollobaroqu... Nicole Fornaro: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleforna... Il Paese Dei Baroqui is a podcast that opens the doors to the digital world, looking for talents who have built a career starting from a Social Platform, but who are the real people behind the characters? Let's find out together in the episodes of this Podcast. From his first jobs to repay a debt to the buying and selling of luxury items, Andrea Liconti tells the story of his climb, between ruthless negotiations, fake Rolexes, absurd proposals and some life lessons. A mix of business and incredible stories! Directed by: Francesco Giuggioli Special Thanks: BANCA DELLO SPETTACOLO: https://www.instagram.com/bancadellos... 3KDM: https://www.instagram.com/3kdm.it?igs... Alessandro Fornaro Mathias Tatangelo Mattia Farina Attilio Basile Sara Scampone Sofia Perciballi Alberto Basile MUA: Sara De Giorgi