Follow Il Paese Dei Baroqui: https://www.instagram.com/ilpaesedeib... #Ad #Adv OUR PARTNERS: Scuola Zoo: https://www.instagram.com/scuolazoo?i... Botox Bar: https://www.instagram.com/botoxbar.it... Pt Room: https://www.instagram.com/ptroom_trai... Hosts: Lollo Baroque: https://www.instagram.com/lollobaroqu... Nicole Fornaro: https://www.instagram.com/nicoleforna... Il Paese Dei Baroqui is a podcast that opens the doors to the digital world, looking for talents who have built a career starting from a Social Platform, but who are the real people behind the characters? Let's find out together in the episodes of this Podcast. In this episode, Camilla Masato and Banembaye take us behind the scenes of their social world, revealing the contrasts between appearance and reality. Successes, relationships, criticisms and resilience: each chapter of their story tells a search for freedom and authenticity. From personal challenges to the journeys that transformed them, we discover what lies behind the digital spotlight and how they learned to navigate between judgments, passions and future dreams. Directed by: Francesco Giuggioli Special Thanks: BANCA DELLO SPETTACOLO: https://www.instagram.com/bancadellos... 3KDM: https://www.instagram.com/3kdm.it?igs... Alessandro Fornaro Mathias Tatangelo Mattia Farina Attilio Basile Sara Scampone Sofia Perciballi Alberto Basile MUA: Sara De Giorgi