At 10:30, we made a gross mistake. It is not a genocide against the Turks, but a genocide against the Armenians. As a result, there will be a series of killings and hatred between the two nations. These are very confusing events. We will study this situation in depth and discuss it separately. The last Islamic caliph, Envar Pasha, is one of the people who overthrew the throne of the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II. He fought on the side of Germany in World War I and fought against the Russians as far as Turkestan. It is not enough to say a word or two about his military and political potential. We talk a lot about the Jadids, but Envar Pasha often falls into the background. Today we will talk about him. Envar Pasha - war, persecution and betrayal History Similarly #war #history #same #anvarpasha