The former infantryman, 98, continues to have nightmares He often wakes up at night because he sees the horror of his imprisonment in a camp near Danzig. Enrico Malacalza, 98, from Piacenza, in Bobbio — where he worked as a road mender after the war — doesn't want to talk about those recurring nightmares. But he remembers the morning "when I saw the Jewish deportees digging a hole for themselves along a road, under the surveillance of the Germans. In the evening, they were no longer there: the hole had been filled and they were in there." Private Malacalza had been enlisted in the infantry at the outbreak of war "but I had no interest in that world." (by Elisa Malacalza and Thomas Trenchi / Corriere Tv). Watch the video on Corriere: https://video.corriere.it/cronaca/enr...