A monarchical, military and fascist coup d'état plunged Spain into its longest night. A conspiracy and a pronouncement that could have been avoided by the Republic. @monederojc interviews the historian Ángel Viñas to talk about his work 'The Great Error of the Republic' #EnLaFrontera516. Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2U8nM0q Visit: https://www.publico.es/ Follow us on Facebook: / enlafronteratv Follow us on Twitter: / enlafronteratv Follow us on Instagram: / enlafronteratv Join the Republic of Público: https://bit.ly/2GKg4Sx Welcome to the Público YouTube CHANNEL! Journalism, investigation and commitment to build a more equal world. Subscribe to our channel now!: https://bit.ly/2U8nM0q