Brakelmann and Adsche want to make money by making a cooking show with rotten food from the village pub's garbage. Brakelmann is furious: first his uncle Werner turns on an old video camera, then Shorty orders him to dispose of the food waste from the village pub. But when Adsche enthusiastically talks about one of the countless cooking shows on TV, the clever farmer's head starts working again. Experimental cooking The rotten food from Shorty's pantry is still lying on Brakelmann's farm. So there is enough material to appear in front of the video camera with daring recipes. If the television doesn't go along with it, there's no helping them. Rotten menu with side effects It's just a shame that Adsche doesn't dispose of the dishes he cooked just for the camera in the Dulder Au, but sells them as a treat to his uncle Krischan in the retirement home. There, some of the mold develops worrying side effects. Episode 34 / 2010 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de