English immigration is always scary. Let's learn the immigration questions, the first gateway to overseas, by watching videos actually used in movies and American dramas along with explanations. It will probably be much easier to understand if you watch these actual videos. Let's all master it together. Likes, comments, and subscriptions make me dance :) #Immigration #AirportEnglish #TravelEnglish #AmericanEnglish #English #Englishstudy #Englishwords #Englishconversation #Englishspeaking #Englishlistening #Englishlisteningpractice #Englishspeakingpractice #Englishconversationrepeatedlistening #Englishconversationbasics #Englishstudymethod #Englishconversationstudy #english #englishpractice #englishvocabulary #englishspeaking #englishspeakingpractice #englishlistening #immigration #immigrationenglish #Englishshadowing