Joseon loved its guns. But to shoot guns, you need a lot of gunpowder. And to make gunpowder... what on earth do you need to do? Can you just boil something like soil? Saltpeter is hard work and leaves nothing behind, just like our paycheck. Is there no way to make more saltpeter? This is the story of saltpeter production in Joseon, which constantly suffered from a shortage of gunpowder. #FirepowerJoseon #NationalJinjuMuseum #TraditionalMildeokRestaurant #GeondeulGeondeul #SaveSaltpeter Joseon was so into chongtong. And lots of gunpowder was needed to fire chongtong. What did our ancestors do to produce gunpowder? Did they just boil down something like soil? Saltpeter required lots of labor for meager results, just like there's nothing left of our paycheck after we pay our monthly bills. Was there no way to produce more saltpeter? This episode is about the story of saltpeter production in Joseon, which constantly suffered from a shortage of gunpowder. Don't talk life with anyone who's never tried to produce saltpeter...!