[ASMR] Fried pork belly recipe, crunchy skin but soft inside, delicious and fragrant sauce coated Crispy fried pork belly with fish sauce, beautiful color thanks to the secret [cooking sound] Subscribe to the channel here: https://goo.gl/kNkHxM Website: http://cobabinhduong.com Facebook: / cobabinhduong Email: [email protected] ● Fried pork belly Thai style: • Crispy fried pork belly with soft meat dipped in... ● Fried pork belly and lemon grass recipe (very delicious): • Just add this, the PORK BELLY... ● All of my fried food dishes: https://bit.ly/2Wfb4At ● Best Pork Belly recipes collection: https://bit.ly/3uixwoT ●● Step by step (00:00) Introduction / intro (00:44) Ingredients / ingredients (00:54) Preparing ingredients / preparing for ingredients (02:01) Processing meat / pork recipe (05:05) Making sauce / make sauce (05:32) Braising meat / cook (06:23) Finishing / outro ●● Ingredients: -1kg pork belly (pork belly) marinate meat (pork marinate recipe) ½ tsp salt (salt) 1 tbsp lime (lime) Shallot (shallot) Garlic (garlic) Sauce recipe: 3 tbsp fish sauce (fish sauce) 3 tbsp sugar (sugar) 3 tbsp water (water) 1 tbsp chili sauce (chili powder) 1 tsp sazon powder (sazon powder) ½ tsp MSG (MSG) 1 tsp pepper (pepper) ●● Kitchen tools used in the video – My kitchen devices: Handheld vegetable peeler Vegetable fruit slicer https://shorten.asia/XTvqjuKQ (VN) https://amzn.to/3gGSI2n (US) Ninja food processor : https://amzn.to/3sCCnjP (US) Ceramic coated nonstick pot set yellow : https://amzn.to/3ChpmAK (US) Octagonal white pan 12.5 inchs octagon inchs pan : https://amzn.to/3x344TN (US) 3L enameled clay pot Large ceramic pot : https://amzn.to/3rouyhe (US) / https://srtn.asia/UUsFJVAZ (VN) Korean ceramic pot 2L : https://amzn.to/3zif7K5 (US) / https://srtn.asia/QD3Q3ybx (VN) Glass bowl set in various sizes glass bowl set : https://amzn.to/3eD1YU6 (US) / https://srtn.asia/kp1ddJqH (VN) Rectangular pan for making egg rolls Square fry pan : https://amzn.to/3Ai32Fh (US) / https://srtn.asia/8tu9zSvP (VN) Handheld onion and garlic chopper portable electric chopper : https://amzn.to/3jvRojt (US) / https://srtn.asia/Mag2jr1t (VN) #CoBaBinhDuong #CoBaBinhDuongChannel #ASMR #ThitChien #ChienNuocMam #Pork #FriedPork Trans: 1. 삼겹살 튀김 레시피, 겉은 바삭하면서도 속은 부드러우며, 고소하고 맛있는 소스가 코팅된 2. 豚バラ肉の炒め物、皮はカリカリ、中はやわらかく、美味しくて香ばしいタレコーティング3. Resep perut babi goreng, kulit garing tapi lembut di dalam, gurih dan harum dibalut saus 4. สูตรหมูสามชั้นทอด หนังกรอบ English translation 5.炸五花肉食谱,皮脆内软,酱汁香喷喷 وصفة بطن لحم الخنزير المقلي ، قشرة مقرمشة ولكن फ्राइड पोर्ग से नरम, More information channel: Hidamari Cooking : / @hidamaricooking Tasty: / @buzzfeedtasty EMOJOIE CUISINE: / @emojoie Maangchi : / @maangchi Taste, The Chinese Recipes Show : / @tasteshow 꿀키honeykki, 李子柒 Liziqi , Delicious food, 한세HANSE, Les sens ciel, Cooking tree 쿠킹트리