The 13th episode of our talk format RELEVANT - the E3/DC Talk is here: Dr. Andreas Piepenbrink discusses with competent guests topics that are relevant today and in the future from E3/DC's point of view. The focus is on the efficient use of renewable energies, electromobility, but also energy economics and energy policy issues. Nicolas Bartholomäus is a battery engineer at E3/DC. In the interview, he explains how E3/DC is optimizing energy management today for tomorrow with an AI-based model. Trainable neural networks will enable customers to make maximum use of the savings potential of the dynamic electricity market. The current talk gives everyone interested the opportunity to delve deeply into the coding of battery engineers. The dynamic electricity market will come into its own from 2025. We make it transparent how the E3/DC Battery Business Team works every day to ensure that customers can use it in the best possible way. RELEVANT, the E3/DC Talk – as always an absolute recommendation for all enthusiasts and those interested in the unstoppable, sustainable energy transition! Compact information on our most important topics: https://360.e3dc.com/?energymanagement https://360.e3dc.com/?energyprices https://360.e3dc.com/?heatpump https://360.e3dc.com/?electromobility https://360.e3dc.com/?brand Here is the link to the E3/DC fan shop: https://fanshop.e3dc.com/ Visit us on our other social networks: Facebook: / e3dc.stromspeicher Instagram: / e3dc_energystorage XING: https://xing.com/companies/e3%2Fdcgmbh LinkedIn: / e3dc How to reach us: E3/DC Ursula-Flick-Straße 8 D-49076 Osnabrück Telephone +49 (0) 541 760268-0 Fax +49 (0) 541 760268-199 [email protected] https://www.e3dc.com