ENEM 2022 RESOLUTION - CHEMISTRY - INORGANIC REACTIONS - PROF MICHEL 4. (Enem 2022) The risks presented by products depend on their properties and reactivity when in contact with other substances. To prevent risks due to the chemical nature of the products, we must know the list of incompatible substances and those in daily use in factories, hospitals, and laboratories, in order to observe care in storage, handling, and disposal. The table lists some of these incompatibilities, which can lead to accidents. Substance Incompatibility Associated risks Mineral acids Strong concentrates Strong bases Cyanides Sodium hypochlorite Violent reaction, explosion, production of strong oxidant and toxic product Concentrated nitric acid Organic matter Violent reaction, explosion, and toxic product Consider that there was improper disposal of two sets of substances: (1) concentrated hydrochloric acid with potassium cyanide; (2) concentrated nitric acid with sucrose. Available at: www.fiocruz.br. Accessed on: December 6, 2017 (adapted). Discarding sets (1) and (2) will result, respectively, in a) release of toxic gas and strong oxidative reaction. b) strong oxidative reaction and release of toxic gas. c) formation of toxic salts and strong oxidative reaction. d) release of toxic gas and release of oxidizing gas. e) formation of toxic salts and release of oxidizing gas.