A modern Enduro costs around 12k€ today while AJP, the Portuguese brand, is releasing its 250 at half price! Find our photos, our MX equipment, our streetwear and our special pieces on our website: https://mxtest.fr/ So at MX TEST, we loaded the Trafic to find Jeremy (Bergerac motos) and Marc Morales (the Distributor) to find out if there was a scam or not! We turned, slid, zigzagged in the scrubland to give you a clear and objective answer: tell us what you think! SUBSCRIBE to our channel to help us pass 100k subscribers! (And on our social networks too!) Raph & PP use: FOX V3 helmet: https://foxracing.fr/ FOX Vue masks: https://foxracing.fr/ MX TEST outfit: https://mxtest.fr/categorie-produit/m... Instinct boots: https://foxracing.fr/ HOOSIER tires: https://hoosier-france.fr/home/ THE PROGRAM by MX TEST is online! This COACHING subscription will give you access each month to 4 riding VIDEOS every Friday + a 20-page Nutrition/Physical/Mechanical GUIDE + A daily HOTLINE on a private FB group! Want to progress in MX or Enduro? Want to have style? Avoid falls? Join us: https://coaching.mxtest.fr/ And finally, in case you order from our partners, don't forget the promo code MXTEST for a super discount! It works at: 3AS Racing: https://www.3as-racing.com/ BUD Racing: https://www.bud-racing.com/ LaBoiserie: https://la-boiserie.fr/ Assure ton sport: https://assuretonsport.com/ DSTOCK41: https://dstock41.com/ Grizzly wash products: https://www.grizzlywashproducts.com/ Joker lab: https://www.cerakote.fr/ The Box MX LIGHT: https://mxlightfr.com/pages/the-box-m... Want to join our partners? Email: [email protected]