The revival leaders have been in close cooperation due to recent events in the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church. One of them is Tom Säilä, executive director of the Finnish Lutheran Evangelical Association, SLEY. The program introduces Tom's faith and hears his thoughts on the current situation and the way forward. Kalle Väätäinen interviews. Studio Krypta's activities are part of the media work of the Mission Diocese and the Finnish Luther Foundation. Mission Diocese: https://www.lhpk.fi Luterilainen.net educational website: https://www.luterilainen.net Studio Krypta's programs are possible thanks to private support. You can make a donation to Studio Krypta's activities through the media work of the Finnish Luther Foundation. Bank transfer information: Recipient: Finnish Luther Foundation Account: FI59 1023 3000 2354 52 Reference: 8222 Please do not use the message field. Thank you. MobilePay donation Mobilepay number: 76225 https://www.mobilepay.fi/Yrityksille/... Fundraising permit https://www.lhpk.fi/kannatus/rahanker...