Recording without warning the subscriber, works on ANY global OxygenOS firmware!!! Links added to the pinned comment!!! Commands for cmd: To activate the ability to record calls: adb shell settings put global op_voice_recording_supported_by_mcc 1 For automatic call recording: adb shell settings put global oplus_customize_all_call_audio_record 1 Return everything to how it was: adb shell settings put global oplus_customize_all_stranger_call_audio_record 0 #oneplus, #oneplus12, #OxygenOS, #ColorOS, #firmware, #callrecording, #oxygenos14, #globaloneplus12, #firmware, #coloros14, #Chinese firmware, #oxygen, #oneplusoxygen, #blocking, #blockingoneplus, #regionlock, #globalrom, #global, #oneplus, #callrecording