Actress Juliana Paes has made waves on the internet with her curly hair. The actress, who decided to embrace her curls, says that only today does she feel like she can be herself. The fact that Juliana Paes, a successful actress, has had difficulty accepting a physical characteristic is a testament to the power that imposed standards have on our lives. Astrid Fontenelle, Pitty, Gaby Amarantos, Monica Martelli and Juliana Paes herself discuss whether it is possible to free ourselves from standards. #HairTransition #JulianaPaes #SaiaJustaNoGNT Subscribe to the GNT channel: http://bit.ly/canalGNT Watch the full programs on GNT Play: http://bit.ly/IntegrasNoGNTPlay Facebook: / gnt Instagram: / gnt Twitter: / canalgnt Pinterest: / canalgnt