???? Training in Intelligence for Results ▶ • How to grow in your PROFESSIONAL and F... ___________________________ How to face life's difficulties? Where do our anxieties come from these days? Existential crisis, emotional dependence, anxiety, sadness, fears... What is the origin of all this, and how does today's society make everything much more difficult for us? This is what Prof. Pedro Calabrez will talk about in today's video. ___________________________ REFERENCES AND READING RECOMMENDATIONS: Effects of isolation and loneliness on the human brain: • Video Emotional emptiness and existential crisis: Comte-Sponville, A. (2006). Treatise on Despair and Beatitude. Liquid Modernity and Postmodernity: Bauman, Z. (2001). Liquid Modernity. Bauman, Z. (2006). Liquid Love. Bauman, Z. (2007). Liquid Life. Bauman, Z. (2008). Liquid Fear. Lipovetsky, G & Charles, S. (2011). Hypermodern Times. The Responsibility for Living: Sartre, JP. (1987). Existentialism is a Humanism. The Pressures of Postmodern Society: de Botton, A. (2013). Desire for Status. de Botton, A. (2022). A Simpler Life. How today's society has made us more fearful and anxious, and how to overcome fear and anxiety: How Anxiety Became Society's Prevailing Condition. (2017). The Guardian. LeDoux, J. (2016). Anxious: Using the Brain to Understand and Treat Fear and Anxiety.