Yle Summer's Emma reacts to true stories about bullying sent by followers. Stories have been slightly changed to protect privacy. If you are being bullied, talk to a trusted person about it. If you feel like you don't want to talk, here are a few links suitable for the topic of the video: Bullying Support and Counseling Center Valopilkku https://www.valopilkkuja.fi/ Support for life's challenges, relationships and problems in them: https://www.punainenristi.fi/ relative... Sekasin chat https://sekasin247.fi Sekasin discord: / discord Suicide intentions and their prevention: https://mieli.fi/fi/mielenterveys/its... Youth crisis point, Helsinki mission, e.g. face-to-face support, chat and phone support: https://www.helsinkimissio.fi/nuorten... Mieli.fi: https://mieli.fi/vaikea-elamantilanne... SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL: / @ylesummeri EVERY SUMMER SOMET @ylesummeri IG: / ylesummeri TIKTOK: https://vm.tiktok.com/gadVAp ARENA: http://yle.fi/summeri Performer: Emma Kakkonen Concept: Salla Pietiläinen Cinematographer: Tino Partanen Editor: Tino Partanen Producer: Salla Pietiläinen Responsible producer: Markku Mastomäki Responsible editor: Ville Vilén Yle Creative contents and media