The finesse EMMA KNYCKARE blesses this autumn episode with its lovely laughter and cozy food. Incidentally, we have Jonathan Unge's cultural mother Cecilia Hagen to thank for that! Thank you Cecilia Hagen. We end up in places that suit Kalle: method acting and places that suit Sofia: revue. But in the food and the conversations we meet, imagine how nice. Thank you Emma for wanting to come ???? Don't miss Flashback Forever: The Show https://www.kahlo.se/flashbackforever... . WE WILL ALSO BE ON STAGE! https://www.kahlo.se/paradrattenlive. The video contains paid advertising for HelloFresh! ????????❤️ Create new routines this fall with HelloFresh - the groceries are delivered directly to your door and every week you can choose between 18 delicious and varied recipes. You avoid food waste, you get inspired and you can easily cook really good food. With our code FRESHPARADRÄTTEN you get a 30% discount on your first and second box and 20% on your third and fourth! https://bit.ly/Paradratten_HF. Recipe for Emma's Parade dish • A fistful of dried chanterelles • Butter • Wheat flour • 3 diced vegetable broth • Tomato puree • Blue cheese/gorgonzola! • A jar of crème fraîche • Lemon • Parsley Soak the dried chanterelles for a few hours before you start cooking. Then strain the mushrooms and KEEP THE MUSHROOM WATER because it will make a good broth. Boil this mushroom water with three bouillon cubes. Heat a saucepan and melt a knob of butter. Add the chanterelles and let them drip around in the butter for a while and fry before adding a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour. Then pour over the mushroom water broth and bring to a boil. After it has been allowed to cuddle and simmer: add a dollop of gorgonzola and stir to melt. Then add a couple of good spoonfuls of crème fraîche. Squeeze in lemon and salt and pepper to taste. The cheese is already salty so you don't need that much salt! Pour into a beautiful deep plate, add some crème fraîche and sprinkle with some freshly chopped parsley. Best eaten together with a Norrlands Guld right out of the can. Tasty meal! ❤️???? . Music from https://coramusic.com/ - with my code Sofia22 you get 2 months free use of Cora Music ???? . Follow us if you want! Emma's Instagram: / knyckare Flashback Forever: https://open.spotify.com/show/2UqSHHu... Flashback Forever - The Show: https://www.kahlo.se/flashbackforever... Kalle's Instagram: https:// instagram.com/kalmol?utm_medi... Sofia's Instagram: https://instagram.com/sofiadalen?utm_... Sofia's podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/37oHwBl... . Thanks to our parade photographer Tony ????