Have you had any problems with one of the companies that fall under Statempire / Daedsman? Report it to ACM via http://bit.ly/acm-consuwijzer. Mert, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, various civil servants, and a lot of victims are still angry. With Statempire / Daedsman, which includes companies such as MijnVerklaring and MijnUrgentie. They believe that these companies operate in a misleading and sometimes even unethical manner. The complaints also keep coming in. Emir chose to speak to us himself twice, but when we found out who he really is, he suddenly didn't want to do this anymore. But hey: it's still useful to know who you're doing business with. Especially when it concerns companies that involve sensitive documentation. And when the person who claims to be the spokesperson and complaint handling not only has a notable past, but also recently went to jail for fraud. Are you angry too? Mail to [email protected] In BOOS Tim pulls out all the stops for you. Because you are angry. And he is going to fix it for you. And what are you allowed to be angry about? Everything. For example, that you have not been paid by your employer, you have been scammed by a webshop or your landlord lets you live in a house full of mold. Even if you do not agree with something that can be solved through politics, let us know! We will pull the right politician for you. Every Thursday at 4:00 PM on this channel. Also follow us on Instagram: / boosbnnvara / debroervanroos / marijederoode