Renowned Venezuelan comedian and impersonator Emilio Lovera presents a standup show where he tells us the story of Miss Universe and Doctor Barato! Known for his quick wit and impeccable humor, the famous comedian from Radio Rochela on Radio Caracas Television shares his routine full of humor and laughter. CONTACT US ON ALL SOCIAL NETWORKS AND VISIT OUR EXCLUSIVE PAGES! PAUL BOUCHE Instagram: / paulbouche1 Facebook: / paul.bouche.98 Twitter: / paul_bouche Linkedin: / paulbouche PAUL BOUCHE MEDIA IGTV: / paulbouchemedia Facebook: / paulbouchemedia A OSCRAS PERO ENCENDIDOS Website: www.oscuras.com Instagram: / aoscurasperoencendidos Facebook: / aoscurasperoencendidos Twitter: / aoscurastv LA BOCA LOCA DE PAUL Website: www.labocaloca.com Instagram: / labocalocadepaul Facebook: / labocalocadepaul Twitter: / labocalocadp OFFSIDE Instagram: / offsidetvshow Facebook: / offsidetvshow Twitter: / offsidetvshow ASTRACANADA PRODUCTIONS INC. Website: www.astracanada.com YouTube: / astracanadaprodsinc Facebook: / astracanadaproductions Twitter: / astracanadaprod Linkedin: / astracanada-productions-inc Email: [email protected] Copyright 1996 & 2021 Astracanada Productions Inc. All rights reserved. Fully Executed Releases including Likeness, Performance, Music and Synchronization Rights (for musical performances) on file. C AOPE 233 012 Emilio Lovera Miss Universe And The Cheap Surgeon