The series revolves around (Mukhtar) who finds himself responsible for his six children, after the death of his wife, and he has to keep up with their thinking and their era, and at the same time choose between the one his heart is attached to, and the lives of his children, and the events follow. The work stars Khaled El Nabawy, Hala Shiha, Nour El Nabawy, Mayan El Sayed, Nashwa Mustafa, Mahmoud Hafez, Hager El Serag, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, Elham Safi El Din, Iman El Sayed, Nourhan Mansour, Laila Ezz El Arab, Yara Azmy, child Mona Zaher, child Adam Wahdan and other artists Written by: Mohamed Suleiman Abdel Malek Directed by: Mohamed Salama Production: Aroma Company The series Empire Meem Ramadan 2024 #Month_of_Joy on United screens ⬇⬇ Subscribe to the channel ⬇⬇ https://2u.pw/lN86u Follow us on ⬇ / hashtageg / hashtageg.net / eghashtag