Convict Elvis Pašalić, who is serving a prison sentence in Zenica, is known for robberies and bandits in which he participated as the leader of an organized group. Among the most serious crimes was the 2014 robbery in Kiseljak, where Salih Babaluk was killed. In his confession to "Avaz", Pašalić openly talks about his life, conflict with the police and crime ???? Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2lXWNWz ✔ Social Media: https://emdc.yt/avaztv Welcome to the official YouTube channel Avaz TV of the most widely read portal and the highest-circulation daily newspaper in Bosnia and Herzegovina Dnevni avaz EMDC Network ✔ Facebook: https://emdc.yt/EMDCFB ✔ Instagram: https://emdc.yt/EMDCIN ✔ Web: http://emdcnetwork.com #MemoUZatvoru #ElvisPašalić #AvazTV