+++ Deal Disclosure +++ Lihi 11th Sim (11-21) Diltene Dia 12th Sim (11-21/16/17/15) Green Exa Punch King X Emso 12th Sim (11-21) Diltene Coke 12th Sim (11-18/15/18/15) Blue Exa Punch King O Fuble 12th Sim (11-20/15/21/15) Red Exa Punch King X Nix 12th Sim (11-21/21/21/21) Nocten of Chupisang ++ Fuble and Nix are the Conces This is it... Me... No... Why hasn't there been any news except for me... Richter Fighting... If Geltu receives it well, I'll take another picture... ^^ Thank you all~ Richter, I hope the future of the great Okehole loser Richter is bright~~ ^^7