Instagram: @back.to.balance.sedavi Model: @vero.chatri Facebook: @BackToBalanceSedavi Shortening min 1:53 Weakness min 7:26 Shortening We are going to do a series of four exercises, gradually increasing the level of difficulty. In each exercise, we hold for 30 seconds, then we will strengthen with the affected leg without allowing movement for ten seconds and then relax and stretch a little more. It is advisable to do these exercises on both sides. Exercise 1 (1:56) We sit on a chair with our back straight and cross the affected leg over the knee. From this position we have two alternatives: 1.- We grab the knee with both hands and bring it towards the opposite shoulder, keeping our back straight. 2.- From the same position with the leg crossed, we hold the knee with the hand on the same side and with the other we grab the ankle. From this position and with our back straight, we bend forward, noticing the stretch in the pyramidalis. Exercise 2 (3:53) We lie comfortably on a mat with a pillow to support our head. We bend our knees and cross the leg on the painful side over the other. This may already make us feel the shortening of the piriformis muscle. If we need more stretching, we can grab the lever leg with our hands and pull it towards us to increase the stretch. If we cannot grab the leg with our hands, we can use a belt or a towel. Exercise 3 (5:24) From the same position with the leg crossed, we grab the knee of the affected leg with the opposite hand and pull it towards the opposite shoulder. We do three repetitions of 30 seconds on each side. Exercise 4 (6:16) The fourth exercise is a little more complicated and we will only do it if the other two are easy for us to do. To do this, we sit on the mat and cross the affected leg over the healthy leg, which will be stretched. And with your back straight, pass the elbow of the opposite arm over the knee while supporting yourself with the opposite arm. Once you are in this position, twist slightly to feel how the pyramidal muscle is stretching. Do three repetitions of 30 seconds on each side. Weakness Exercise 1 (7:31) Lie on your side on a mat with your knees bent. The exercise consists of separating your knees as much as possible without rolling on the floor. To do this, place your hand on your hip to avoid excessive rotation. When you lift your knee, you will notice how your glutes tense up. When you reach the end of the range, hold for a minute and lower your knee slowly. Do two or three repetitions. Exercise 2 (8:33) For this exercise, use a medium-grade elastic band. Lie face up on the mat and put the band around your knees, tying a knot. Do hip raises, and when you get to the top, separate your knees and squeeze your glutes, holding for a minute. Just like the other exercise, we can do two or three repetitions depending on our strength and always without hurting ourselves or exhausting ourselves.