Watch the full broadcast of the 2024 Elgin Caravan season. With the presence of the entire Elgin Air Selection team present in the online training of our air conditioning line! In today's meeting, we will cover several topics such as: ✅ Presentation of the Bi and Tri Split Total Inverter, ✅ Presentation of the Piso Teto Plus Inverter, ✅ Operation of equipment with R32, ✅ And much more! We look forward to seeing you for an afternoon full of technical information online and live. 0:00:00 - Heating 0:19:32 - Opening - Anderson Bruno 0:39:56 - Opening - Thiago Ponteciano 0:44:42 - Elgin Pro Application 0:48:13 - Bi and Tri Split Presentation 1:38:22 - Questions and Answers about Bi and Tri Split 2:13:04 - Electrical Protection Devices 2:26:11 - Cassette Plus Inverter and Floor Ceiling Plus Inverter 2:50:53 - Eco Dream Inverter WI-FI 2:51:40 - Elgin Splitão 2:52:56 - Information about R32 3:15:39 - Closing Keep following Elgin through our official channels: Instagram: / elgin.selecaodoar WhatsApp Community: https://lp.elgin.com.br/climatizacao-... Elgin Good Practices Program: https://lp.elgin.com.br/programa-boas... Elgin Pro: https://lp.elgin.com.br/aplicativo_el... Elgin, More than you imagine!