Watch the complete playlist with the 6 main defects of the electric window Just click on this link • ELECTRIC GLASS - the 6 Main Defects... The electric window motor is a component that uses a lot of force because it needs to move the glass machine and the glass itself, for this reason it tends to have natural wear on the internal components such as brushes, induced among others. To perform the test on the electric window motor, you must initially make sure that the wiring is carrying enough power to it, if even so it moves slowly it means that the glass machine, the gutters or the motor is defective. To rule out the defect in the glass gutters, you must disconnect the glass from the machine and move it by hand, this way you can see if the movement is light. If the gutters are good, then what makes the glass heavy is the glass machine or the motor. To identify if the motor is in good working order, you need to remove the entire glass machine, separate the motor from the machine and apply power directly to the motor. If it moves the central pinion with speed and torque, then the motor is fine. If not, it will need to be replaced or reconditioned. After testing, put the machine with the glass motor back into the door and assemble the door lining. Thanks and see you next time. http://www.eunaupmotors.com.br Learn about my automotive electrician course. click here ???????? http://eletrica1.ead.eunaupmotors.com... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where we are: BENTO GONÇALVES-RS Marques de Souza, 442, São Francisco Neighborhood CAXIAS DO SUL-RS Luiz Michielon, 1743, Cruzeiro Neighborhood EAD eunaupmotors.com.br WhatsApp (54)99622-1126 Our website: http://www.eunaupmotors.com.br Facebook and instagram: @eunaupmotors