Hello how are you, welcome to my channel, thanks for clicking on this video. Today we are going to make a microphone for the computer or any recording device that is compatible with external microphones, all with few parts and most importantly an electrect capsule. If the video was useful, help us to keep going: If the video was useful, help us to keep going: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... Thanks. ThankYou. Below is the list of components: R1-10k R2-100K R3-10K R4-470 ohms C1-100uf C2-220uf L1-Red LED E1-Electrect Capsule Q1-2N2222A Remember that the diagram is on the Facebook page in the images section, the supply voltage of this circuit is 3v to 12v direct current, and in this case it is powered by 4.5vo 3 AA batteries. It's a Do It Yourself Video that you can NOT miss!!! I appreciate you subscribing to my channel, and liking the Facebook page: / robertnetworks You can share the video and watch my channel, it's free : D See you in my next video. Bye bye.