Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has declared himself the winner of the election and the new head of the United States. He made a speech in front of his supporters in which he thanked all the voters, his team and his family. "We will help our country heal. America's Golden Age is upon us. I will fight for all of you with every cell in my body," Trump said on stage. During the speech, among other things, he remembered his first wife Ivana, who died two years ago. "She was beautiful inside and out," he added. Subscribe to the news of our news portal CNNPrima.cz and stay up to date. Every day, over 200 reporters and editors bring you the most important and interesting news from home and abroad. ✉️ https://cnn.iprima.cz/newsletter 📲 Follow CNN Prima NEWS on social networks: Facebook: / cnnprima Instagram: / cnnprima Twitter: / cnnprima 💻 Visit the CNN Prima NEWS website at https://cnnprima.cz #cnnprimanews # cnnprime #politics